We loved our morning with the year 4 and 5's from Rushen Primary School last Thursday. The children are studying how the weather effects produce which is something that is really important living on the Isle of Man. The weather can both effect the Manx grown crops from our fantastic local suppliers as well as hindering our ability to get products and produce over to our little island -as i 'm sure everyone is aware the boats and planes can get cancelled when we have foggy or windy weather!


The children were really interested in some of the exotic produce, asking lots of question which Aom from our store helped answer. All the children tried some Quince - which they decided tasted a bit like apple. They also called into The Fishmarket and spoke to our fishmonger Sean.



The visit was finished off with some delicious fruit platters before the children went off (in the very cold Manx weather) to take photos on Douglas promenade!